Greece and Spain
After the wedding coincidentally lined up with my Mom and sister going on vacation to Europe. We met up with Auntie Marites and our first stop on this mini eurotrip was to the island of Crete! We stayed in the cutest airbnb with the most beautiful views of the Cretan Sea.
^^ On our first full day there we rented quads for a whopping 15 euros. We should not have been driving them on the high way, since they were sooo slow! Seriously don’t think we went faster than 30mph. It was still fun though!
^^ Meg and I being silly, annoying Mom for not taking a regular photo. This was right before we went to an Olive Festival! We ate a proper Cretian dinner and ended the night with classical Greek dancing!
^^ Our last day in Crete. Next stop, Santorini!
^^ Our neighbors cute yard.
^^ Such a cute restaurant!
^^ Santorini is known as the most romantic city in Greece and I can see why. The ancient Greeks saw the world in terms of darkness and light, so WHITE was a fundamental color. Must be nice, you don’t have to think about what color to paint your house: white or blue? You did see the odd, rebel red door every now and again.
^^ Climbed some rocks and risked my life for this shot haha. I felt like I was living in a real life painting, but to be completely honest this view as beautiful as it was, was a bit underwhelming. One thing about traveling is that you do so much research on a country and you see countless photos like these that once you see it in real life it’s kind of like “That’s it?!” I definitely want to go back to Greece someday, but go to the lesser known islands. I feel like I barely scratched the surface of what is Greece. Next stop, Mykonos!
^^ Hey, hey doggy!
^^ Seriously the most aesthetically pleasing city. I found Mykonos to be pretty ritzy.
^^ Last din in Mykonos.
^^ After Greece we went to Auntie Marites’ new house in Marbella, Spain!
^^ We went on a day trip to Ronda and saw this massive canyon.
^^ Meg and I ventured on our own and took the bus to Malaga. Perfect timing as we arrived to our hostel we found out it was El Noche de San Juan. Basically it’s a massive beach party where locals spend the night at the beach. Supposedly if you jump over the bonfire then into the ocean, it brings good luck?? On our last day we walked, semi-hiked (Meg gave up so I met her at the bottom) to this viewpoint of the whole city. We were only there 2 days.
^^ After Malaga, Meg and I went to Ibiza for SIX days. I don’t recommend anyone go there for that long because it was INSANE. I’m ashamed to say I only made it to 2 beaches as all we did was party. Nothing starts until 12am and people party until 7/8 in the morning. You never really went to Ibiza unless you saw a sunrise. The clubs don’t even close till 10am!!! My poor body could not hang. I was happy to go home for about a week to recover before I left again for Aus.
^^ The one and only beach photo of Ibiza. Now off to Aus for the rest of the year!

1 comment
Our mini Eurotrip was so wonderful! And not to mention Hanoi, Boracay and Manila 😉 I can’t wait for our next adventure! Come to Portugal next summer 😘
Love and miss you muchooooo!
Auntie MT