The Whitsundays
From Rainbow Beach I took an overnight bus to Airlie Beach which was about 12 hours. I got lucky and no one sat next to me so I got to lay down and the trip wasn’t too bad. I then went on a 2 day, 2 night boat trip to The Whitsundays! I’m convinced everything in Australia is fake because the scenery is so beautiful it’s unreal. Surely someone came in and painted this. Every single sunset is breathtaking. Even better when you’re on a boat.
^^ We stayed in these bunkers. My bed is the far left back one. I really had to use my ninja skills to climb over the 2 other girls at night haha.
If I have a chance to work on a boat, I’m definitely doing it. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of looking out into the ocean.
^^ Cheers to new Canadian friends Christina and Kaitlin! Is it terrible that I can’t differentiate the American accent from Canadian?? The only words that are really different are “bag”, “about”, and “sorry” haha.
^^ Thee nicest beach I’ve ever been to with crazy clear water and white sand. Fun fact: apparently NASA uses this sand to build their telescopes. We came during a full moon so the tides were quite high.
^^ We had to wear stinger suits since it’s jellyfish season which were such a pain to take on and off. Clearly we did not think this pyramid through haha and idk how I ended up standing and the only one on top??
^^ I can honestly say the main reason I picked this boat was solely because it came with a slide. There was also a diving board and if you know me, my absolute favorite thing to do in the entire world is doing backflips off of a boat. So much fun!
^^ Sunset on the last night.
^^ The whole New Horizon crew!! Next stop, Cairns!